Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Application for opening a relief camp ssc English

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school for opening a relief camp in your school.
18 April, 2017
The Headmaster
Monipur High School
Mirpur, Dhaka
Subject: Application for opening a relief camp.
With due respect and humble submission, we aspire to draw your kind attention to the fact that we are the student of your esteemed school. Recent flood has wreaked a great havoc leaving thousands of people homeless. Now they are the residents under the open sky. We do believe that social service is part of a student life. We would like to extend our helping hand to those helpless people. So, we are in line with the opinion that a relief camp will serve the purpose best.
So, we therefore pray and hope that judging the ultimate rationale behind the establishment of a relief camp you would be kind enough to grant our heartiest demand.

 Abdul Hannan Khan
Class: o9
Roll no: o1
Science Group

On behalf of all the students

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