Monday, April 17, 2017

পঞ্চম শ্রেণী ইংরেজী মডেল প্রশ্ন - ৩ : | Exclusive PEC English Model Question 2017 Saikat Islam lives .... and lions.

Class Five - P E C Exam 2018
Model Question 3
Seen Comprehension:
Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Saikat Islam lives with his parents in a flat in Bogra. His father Mr. Rashidul Islam is a banker. But in his free time Mr. Islam writes stories and listens to music. Saikat’s mother is Mrs. Monwara Islam. She is a housewife. In her free time she enjoys sewing. She makes dresses. She often gets orders from her friends and neighbours.
Saikat is in class 5.He is a good student. He wants to improve his English, so he watches cartoons on TV every day. He also reads English books. He likes books about animals, especially tigers and lions.
1. Write only anser on answer paper.
a.      Saikat is a/an  ______ .
(i) student                           (ii) player
(iii) footballer                       (iv) cricketer
b.      Saikat is a _______ student .
(i) dull    (ii) sharp      (iii) foolish    (iv) good
c.      There are _____ persons in Saikat’s family. 
(i) two    (ii) three       (iii) four        (iv) five
d.       Saikat's mother is ______ .
(i) a nurse (ii) an artist (iii) an actress (iv) a housewife
e.      Saikat reads _____ story books. 
(i) Bengla (ii) English (iii) French     (iv) Arabic
f.       Saikat reads English story books ______.
(i) daily                               (ii) at times
(iii) sometimes                             (iv) occasionally
g.      What does Saikat watch on TV?
(i) Cartoons     (ii) Drama    (iii) Sports    (iv) Movie
h.      Saikat reads English story books because______.
(i) he wants to go abroad
(ii) he wants to improve his English
(iii) he wants to talk with foreigners
(iv) he wants to be an English teacher
i.        What does Saikat watch on TV? What is Mr. Islam?
(i) a banker                                  (ii) a teacher           
(iii) a story teller                                     (iv) an artist
j.        Mr. Islam spends his free time by ___ .
(i) doing nothing                  (ii) gardening        (iii) angling   (iv) writing stories
k.      Where does Saikat Islam live in?
(i) Dhaka     (ii) Rajshahi
(iii) Bogra     (iv) Feni
l.        Where does a banker work?
(i) in a school     (ii) in a bank
(iii) in a hospital     (iv) in a field  .
What is Bogra?
    (i) a village     (ii) a city  
 (iii) a district town    (iv) a divisional town
m.    What class does Saikat read in?
    (i) five                   (ii) four        (iii) three     (iv) two
n.      Who can make dresses?
    (i) Mr. Islam     (ii) Saikat    (iii) Saikat's sister    
(iv) Monowara Islam
o.      What does Saikat's father love to listen?
    (i) story       (ii) poetry
         (iii) music                   (iv) sermon
p.      Who is Mr. Rashidul Islam?
(i) Saikat's father    (ii) Saikat's teacher    (iii) Saikat's friend    (iv) Saikat brother
2. Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B.

Column A
Column B
a)   Live
     i.        a person who works in a bank.
b)   Music
    ii.        hear
c)   Banker
   iii.        to stay somewhere
d)   Cartoon
  iv.        a man who works in a post office
e)   Listen
    v.        sounds that are pleasant and exciting  to listen to

  vi.        to do something for the nation

 vii.        an animated film made by photographing.

Or, Fill in the blanks with aprpriate word from the text.
a.    Saikat with -------- his parents.
b.    His father ----- a banker.
c.    His mother ------ sewing in her free time.
d.    To improve his English Saikat ------- cartoons on TV.
e.    e. Saikat’s mother is a ------.
Answer: a+iii, b+iv,  c+i, d+vii, e+ ii.
3. Answer the following questions.
a. Whom does Saikat live with?
b. What does Mr. Islam write in his free time?
c. What does Saikat do to improve his Engliah?
d. What is the name of his father?
e. What is Saikat's mother's name?
f. What is Mr Islam?
g. Where does Saikat live?
h. What does Saikat do to improve his English?
i. What kind of books does Saikat like?
a. Saikat lives with his parents.
b. Mr. Islam writes stories in his free time.
c. He watches cartoons on TV and reads English story books everyday to improve his English.
d. The name of his father is Mr Islam.
e. Saikat's Morher's name is Monowara Islam.
f. Mr Islam is a banker.
g.    Saikat lives in Bogra.
h. He watches cartooms on TV and reads English story books everyday to improve his English.
i. Saikat likes books about animals, especially tigers and lions.
4. Write a short compostion about “Your Family” at least in five sentences by answering the following questions. (Remember to use capital letters, full stops and correct spelling.)
a.    What’s your name?
b.    What is your parent’s name?
c.    What do they do?
d.    What class do you read in?
e.    What do your parents do in their free time?
f.     How are you in your family?
Unseen Comprehension:
Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Dina has beautifull family. She lives with four members of her family. Dina also has tow pets. Dina’s mother is a doctor. She works at the hospital. She helps people who are sick. After working eight hours in the hospital, she comes back home in the evening and feels very tired. Dina’s father works at home. He cooks for family. He drives the kids to school and football practice. He helps them to prepare all school’s lessons. Dina has two brothers. Jamal is twelve years old. They are good players in school football team.
Dina is the youngest child of her family. She loves gardening. She has a colourful flower garden.Dina has two pets. Mini is a small, black cat. Tom is a big, brown dog. Dina loves her family.
5. Write only the anser on the answer paper. Only one anser is correct.
a.    Who cook for Dina’s family?
(i) Dina        (ii) Dina’s mother (iii) Dina’s father  (iv) Jamal
b.    Who is the oldest person?
(i) Kamal     (ii) Jamal    (iii) Dina      (iv) Mini
c.    How many people are there in Dina’s family?
(i) Three      (ii) Four      (iii) Five      (iv) Six
d.    Dina’s mother probably goes to hospital --------.
(i) in the morning (ii) in the afternoon       
(iii) in the evening          (iv) at night
e.    Who works at home?
(i) Dina’s mother  (ii) Dina’s father
(iii) Dina               (iv) Dina’s brother
f.     Dina goes to school with her ------.
(i) brother   (ii) pets       (iii) father   (iv) father
g.   Who is the youngest member in their family?
(i) Kamal     (ii) Jamal    (iii) Dina      (iv) Father
h.    Dina is probably -----.
(i) ten years old             (ii) twelve years old      
(iii) fourteen years old   (iv) sixteen years old
i.     What is Dina’s hobby?
(i) Driving   (ii) Cooking (iii) Olaying (iv) Gardening
j.     This passage is mostly about Dina’s ------.
(i) family     (ii) pets       (iii) football team (iv) mother
6. Fill in the gaps with the best word from the box. Find the information in the text. You do not need to use all the works.

a)   Kamal is ----- years older than Jamal.
b)   Dina’s father helps Kamal to practice --------.
c)   Dina’s mother comes ----- after work.
d)   The colour of Mini is ------.
e)   Dina lives with her ------.
Answer: a. two, b. football, c. back, d. black, e. family.
7. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences.(Competency base)
a)   Who helps sick people?
b)   Why does Dina’s mother feel very tired?
c)   Why do you think Dina loves coloureful flowers?
d)   Write two daily activities of Dina’s father.
e)   Write three sentences to explain why Dina loves her family?
8. Imagine, you are Sujon/Sabina. Your friend is Aminul/Farhana.Write a letter to your friend explaining how your family is similar to Dina’s family? How is it different? [Here are some words to help you: dete, addess. salutation, main points for the letter, closing. Remember to write at least six sentesnces, use capital letters, full stops and correct spelling.] (Competency based)
9. Make five Wh questions from the following statements.
a)   She makes dress.
b)   Saikat is in class 5.
c)   Saikat wants to improve his English.
d)   To improve his English saikat watches cartoon on TV.
e)   It is 8 O’clock.

10. Read the instructions about getting a library card. Then answer the following questions.
1.    Attend your class on time.
2.    Be attentive in the class.
3.    Listen carefully to your teacher.
4.    Raise your hand if you want to ask your teacher a question.
5.    Write down and complete the task your teacher gives you.
a)   What should you do in the class?
b)   Why should you raise your hand to ask your teacher a question?
c)   What is the benefit of writing down the task in your khata?
11. Write five sentences, about your daily morning activity considering the following points.
[Write the time in numbers and period sequence in ordinal numbers in your writing]
- When do you get up from bed?
- How many things do you do in the morning?
- What time does each activity begin?
12. Rearrange the words in correct order to make meaningful sentences. [Panctuatate the sentence correctly.]
a)   was, day, great, it a.
b)   teachers, can, that, her, she, think.
c)   Maria, day, but, see, beautiful, cannot, the, spring.
d)   sports, do, play, or, do, you, what, any?
e)   sherbet, drink, your.
13. Suppose, Soheli reads in class V in a govt. Primery School. She lives with her parents Md. Rahman and Shaheena Begum. Her date of birth is 07-02-2005. She wants to be a member of English language club in her school. Now, complete the following form by using the above information.

a)   Name                  :……………………………………………………………….
b)   Father’s Name    :……………………………………………………………….
c)   Mother’s name   : ………………………………………………………………
d)   Class                   :………………………………………………………….........
e)   Date of birth       :………………………………………………………….........


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