Monday, March 20, 2017

Compositions For class 7, JSC and SSC | Composition The Rainy season in Bangladesh

Compositions For class 7, JSC and SSC | Composition The Rainy season in Bangladesh

The Rainy season in Bangladesh

The rainy season is one of the six seasons of Bangladesh. It comes after the summer.
Ashar and Shrabon are the months of rainy season. In fact, rain sets in our country in the middle of June and lasts up to the middle of September.
In the rainy season, the sky in overset with deep black clouds. The sun can hardly be seen. The rivers are full to the brim. All day and night sometimes there is heavy rainfall. The whole nature becomes gloomy and smoky.
Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural country. Her economy and prosperity depend on an agriculture. Again our agriculture depends on an rain very much. If there is sufficient rain, the joys of the farmers know no bound. They plough their lands and sow seeds in time. Our farmers cannot reap a good harvest if it does not rain in time. Rainwater washes away the filth and clears the atmosphere.
The rainy season has some demerits too. Sometimes it rains heavily for days together. Life becomes dull then.
As a result, the rivers overflow their banks and cause the flood. Which brings about untold sorrows, sufferings, and miseries. There is water everywhere. Roads become muddy. People cannot go out. Normal life is stopped. Differents diseases life malaria, diarrhea, dysentery break out in an epidemic form and carry away heavy tolls of human life for an occasional flood. Snakes also come out in this season, bite people and sometimes cause death.
Rainy season is one of the important elements of our writers, poets in their piece of words. It encourages them to write emotional writings. It is told that Rain makes us more emotional.

The rainy season is the most useful of all the seasons in our country. Agriculture which is the life of our economy depends on this rain. So when it rains we just sing so that it comes to wet our hearts wet 

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