Friday, April 28, 2017

JSC 2017 Model Question :1 English First Paper | Zara lives with her parents.....The first people probably lived

JSC Model Question: 1 (Series Post: to be continued)
English First Paper
Section A - Reading Test (Seen Passage)
Read the text carefully and answer the questions 1, 2 and 3. 
Zara lives with her parents in London. They have come to Bangladesh to visit Zara’s aunt and uncle. She is very close to her cousin Mita. Both the families have visited many interesting places together in Bangladesh. It was a great fun. Then they decided that they would visit some places outside Bangladesh too. They decided to go to Thailand. But Mita’s parents were too busy with their work, so they could not go. However, Mita was going with them.
Mita, Zara and her parents are at Hajrat Shahjalal International Airport. They are waiting in the lounge. Mita is very excited. This is her first time to board a plane. They are flying by Bangladesh Biman. Mita is hoping to have a great time in Thailand.
As they wait, the two cousins start planning what they would do once they reach Bangkok. Mita’s uncle brings forms for all of them to fill in before going through the immigration. He gives one to Mita and says, “You have to give some information about yourself in the form. The immigration officer will check your passport and stamp it. And then you are ready to travel.” Mita, Zara and her parents start filling in the forms.                                           
1.    Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                                                                 1 ´ 5 = 5
(a)   ‘Close’ refers to ¾.
       (i) near                  (ii) distant                          (iii) open                  (iv) intimate
(b)   ‘Planning’ stands for the act of ¾.
       (i) deciding            (ii) happening                    (iii) organising          (iv) implementing
(c)   Mita has not travelled by ¾ before.
       (i) space craft        (ii) plane                           (iii) parachute           (iv) rocket
(d)   Mita is hoping to have a great time in Thailand. Here the term ‘have’ refers to ¾.
       (i) expand              (ii) get                               (iii) spend                 (iv) spare
(e)   The immigration officer stamps passport ¾.
       (i) after checking it                                         (ii) before checking it  (iii) while checking it   (iv) without checking it
¢   Additional MCQs :
(f)   Zara's parents ¾ in London.
       (i) lives                  (ii) reside                           (iii) are                     (iv) is
(g)   They made a plan to visit ¾.
       (i) lands                 (ii) seas                             (iii) forests                (iv) abroad
(h)   Mita is ¾ about her first board on a plane.
       (i) anxious             (ii) hopeful                        (iii) overjoyed          (iv) pessimistic
(i)    Mita's parents were ¾ with work.
       (i) fatigued            (ii) engaged                       (iii) friendly              (iv) handy
(j)    ‘Give’ refers to ¾.
       (i) have                  (ii) take                             (iii) attempt               (iv) provide
2.   Give short answers to the following questions.                                                           2 ´ 5 = 10
(a)  Who are Zara and Mita?
(b)  Why does Zara come to Bangladesh?
(c)  Who were very busy with their work?
(d)  Why is Mita excited?
(e)  What does Mita's uncle bring?
¢   Additional Questions :
(f)  Where does Zara live and with whom?
(g)  What did both the families decide?
(h)  What is Mita hoping?
(i)   What does an immigration officer do?
(j)   Who were filling in the forms?
3.   Read the text in A again. Now, write the summary of it in around 50 words.                       10

Reading Test (Unseen Passage)
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions 4 and 5.
The first people probably lived over two million years ago in East Africa. They were half way between apes and people like us. They were short and covered with hair. They had long arms. They bent forward like apes. Their only tools were sticks and stones which they found. They wandered from one place to another to look for food. They ate leaves, wild fruits and small animals. They could not cook their food. They slept in trees or under bushes.         
4.   Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.                     1 ´ 5 = 5
Physical Features
Food Habits
The earliest people
half way between apes and man
eating leaves
 (i) ...........
 (ii) ...........

(iii) ...........
eating small animals

(iv) ...........
 (v) ...........

5.   Read the passage again and write True or False beside the following statements. Give answers for the false statements.                                                                                                     1 ´ 5 = 5
(a)  Mankind is almost 2000000 years old.
(b)  The first people looked like modern people.
(c)  They grew crops to feed themselves.
(d)  They lived on wild animals.
(e)  The earliest people lived in Indian sub-continent.
¢   Additional True/False:
(f)  The first people were short and hairy.
(g)  They could bend forward.
(h)  They cultivated their food.
(i)   They had houses to live in.
(j)   They used better tools and weapons.
6.   Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.                                                                        1 ´ 5 = 5
      Leading a punctual life is very (a) ¾ for everyone. People who are not punctual (b) ¾ problems not only for themselves but also for others as (c) ¾. It is not good to keep people (d) ¾ People who are untidy in their lifestyle are considered to be (e) ¾ in their life.
7.   Rearrange the following sentences in correct order.                                                              10
(a)  A good astrologer happened to visit the capital of the king.
(b)  At this the king turned pale.
(c)  At this the king got furious and condemned him to death.
(d)  The king called him to his palace.
(e)  I shall wait to receive your majesty where you have been sending me.
(f)  The astrologer told something very unpleasant.
(g)  The king then asked, "How long would you live?"
(h)  Once there was a king who was fond of knowing his future from the astrologer.
(i)   With ready wit he said, "The stars declare that I'll die only a week before your death!"
(j)   "Drive this wretch away and let him not come again," shouted the king.
8.   Fill in the gaps using clues from the boxes. There are more words than necessary. 0.5 ´ 10 = 5
      The computer is (a) ¾ fairly recent invention. It has now become an important part of (b) ¾ life. It has greatly benefited us and brought (c) ¾ revolutionary changes in our life. Any (d) ¾ that helps people (e) ¾ mathematical calculation may be called a computer. In this sense (f) ¾ abacus is a simple computer. Today, however, the term (g) ¾ refers to special kind of electronic (h) ¾ that can perform mathematical calculations and (i) ¾ large masses of information at a great speed. In a few minutes a computer can perform calculation that (j) ¾ mathematicians would need years to complete.
9.   The phrases in column A are the beginnings of some sentences. The phrases in column B are the endings. Match the phrases in column A with the phrases in column B to make complete sentences.   1 ´ 5 = 5
Column A
Column B
(i)    Many people living in city areas
(a) are not careful of utilizing natural gas and thus wasting our resources.
(ii)   By leaving the taps running whenever they
(b) continues our resources will run out very soon.
(iii) Our industrial productions
(c) are not careful of using natural resources.
(iv) People
(d) are disturbed by load shedding.
(v)   If this wastage
(e) waste water for day-to-day purpose.
Section B - Writing Test
10. Suppose, you are Anika. Anima is your friend. Make a dialogue in 100 words between you and Anima about your preparation for the final examination. 10
11. Write a paragraph on 'Your Daily Routine' by answering the following questions. Your paragraph should not exceed 100 words.             10
(a)  When do you get up from bed?
(b)  When do you go to school?
(c)  When do you return from school?
(d)  What do you do in the afternoon?
(e)  When do you take your supper?
(f)  Does your holiday routine match with your daily routine?
12.  Read the beginning of the story. Now, complete it in 150 words.            10
      Once there lived a poor woodcutter. He was very honest. One day while he was cutting wood beside a river, suddenly his axe slipped and fell into.................
13. Suppose, you are 'Golap'. Your friend 'Reza' wanted to know how you have spent your last summer vacation. Now, write a letter to your friend telling him how you spent the summer vacation.             10

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