Monday, April 17, 2017

Write a composition about A journey by boat | educarebdonline

A short composition about  A journey by boat

A journey by boat

A journey often gives a pleasure. A journey by boat is also a pleasure. A journey by boat is joyful and pleasant to me. Bangladesh is a land of River. So, a journey by boat is a common journey in our country.
During the last autumn vacation, I and some of my friends made a journey by boat. One of our friends invited us to go his house at Dohar. His house was on the side of river Padma. We started from our own village.
It was 2004. We hired a boat. It was the month of December. We started at 8 am in the morning. The day was fine. The river was calm and quiet. The sky was clear. There were two boatmen in the boat. The boatman sailed. Many small boats were sailing on the river. Fishermen were catching fishes. Village women were taking water. The bank of the river looked golden with green paddy. Men were cutting paddy. All these sights gave us joy. Our boat reached the ghat of Padma Degree College. The boatman took a rest there for some time.
We reached Padma degree college at noon. We bathed in the river, took our food and took rest for an hour. Then we started for Dohar. Our boat reached the ghat of our friend's house in the evening. He was waiting for us there. We got down.
A journey by boat is a joyful journey. We shall never forget this journey. It gave me much pleasure. We enjoyed the journey very much.

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