Monday, March 27, 2017

Paragraph - PLANT MORE TREES for class 8

Paragraph for Class 8, JSC Examination 2017.


Trees are one of the most important gifts of nature. They help us in maintaining the ecological balance which is essential for the preservation of life on the earth. The existence of life would be impossible if there were on trees on earth. Trees and forests have a great impact on climate. A country needs trees to ensure a cool and healthy climate for her living beings. They induce rains and prevents air pollution. An area devoid of forests and trees will go barren and turn into a desert in course of time. Trees provide immense wealth and riches for human beings. They are our best friends that help us greatly to make our world beautiful and our lives a happy and comfortable one. Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Lands in the upper valley of a river are more suitable for the growth and development of the forest. As a result, we have no rich forest resources. There is ample scope for afforestation and plantation in our country. Sea- beaches, low-lying unused lands, highway, and roadsides can be brought under a scheme of afforestation with a special type of trees suited to the soil. June and July are the most suitable period for planting trees in our country. An extensive and vigorous propaganda should be made for planting trees of all kinds throughout the country. Both government and private sectors should work hand in hand by launching a vigorous programme for plantation in the country. The rural people and all students of the country should be taught the value and importance of planting and preserving trees. All of us should remember and always try to make true the saying of our universal poet Rabindranath Tagore: 
           “Give back the forest, take your town.”


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