Wednesday, April 5, 2017

JSC English 2nd Paper Model Question 2017 (MQ2) | educarebdonline

English 2nd Paper
Time : 2 hours;  Full Marks : 50
[Figures in the margin indicate full marks]

Section A : Grammar (30 Marks)
1.    Fill in the gaps of the following text with appropriate articles. Put a cross for zero article.                 0.5 ´ 6 = 3
        A teacher is (a) ¾ architect of a nation. He plays an important (b) ¾ role in building up an educated nation. He removes (c) ¾ darkness of (d) ¾ ignorance from the lot of (e) ¾ nation. (f) ¾ good teacher never hankers after money.   
2.     Fill in the blanks of the following text with prepositions given in the box below.     0.5 ´ 6 = 3
        It was thought that there is life (a) ¾ Mars. But two Viking spacecrafts that landed on Mars
¾ 1976 did not provide much evidence (c) ¾  life. The pictures sent (d) ¾ them showed Mars as having a red sky instead of a blue one like ours and a pinkish iron-rich soil. Its gravity is
¾ half as strong as that of Earth so that the atmosphere is also much thinner than our planet. However a close inspection of a meteorite (f) ¾ Mars that fell on the Earth has revealed tiny fossils like bacteria 3.6 billion years old.
3.     Make four sentences from the substitution table. 1 ´ 4 = 4
of getting the golden touch.
a king called Midas.

extremely fond of gold.

more gold though he had a lot of it.
4.     Change the following passage into indirect speech.          1 ´ 4 = 4
        "What kind of stories did Aesop tell?" asked Anwar. "Fables," replied Mrs. Amin. "Do you know what fables are?" "No," replied Anwar. "Fables are stories with a message or a moral."
5.     Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.           1 ´ 5 = 5
        (a)   Robert Bruce was both a good ruler and a brave warrior. (Make it Negative) (b) But he was defeated in a war. (Make it Active) (c) He took shelter in an old cave. (Make it Interrogative) (d)  He noticed a spider trying to reach the ceiling of the cave. (Make it Passive) (e) The scene was very encouraging. (Make it Statement)
6.     Rewrite the following passage using capitalization and punctuation.          0.5 ´ 6 = 3
        my friend sajjad and i were sitting at the railway station i came to see him off sajjad was going to dhaka to his elder sisters house
7.     Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text.  0.5 ´ 8 = 4
        English is used as a common language for global (a) communicate. As it is used in more than sixty countries (b) office, it is regarded as an (c) national language. As an (d) dependent nation, we have to maintain our political, commercial and (e) culture relations with the rest of the world through English. Thereby, English (f) wide the opportunity to deal with globalized world. It promotes international (g) relation and (h) brother.  
8.     Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the box with their right form.    0.5 ´ 8 = 4
        In the olden days the Greeks (a) ¾ idol worshippers. They (b) ¾ many gods and goddesses. In times of their need they (c) ¾ to them for help. Hercules (d) ¾ the god of strength. One day, a carter (e) ¾ his cart alone a muddy road. The cart (f) ¾ a very heavy load. The road was (g) ¾ by many ditches here and there. One of the wheels of the cart (h) ¾ down.
Section B : Composition  (20 Marks)
9.     Write an e-mail to your friend who wanted to know about the sports day in your school.     8
10.  Write a composition on the following topic in 250 words.              12
‘Physical Exercise’

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